viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

School Problems...

People oftenly have problems in school that afect them at home, with there friends, and makes them think everything is upside down. You as parents should give them a hand and fix there problems, or at least try. School may cause many problems for kids, but it is one of the best times of anyones life, so they should enjoy it as much as posible and you can make this happen. Here are some tips for school...

If you have a bully you shoud:

-Tell a grownup imediatly, adults will always help.

-Try to avoid the person.

-Don't atack him back, that will just cause a war.

Having problems studying:

-Dedicate more time to study, and ask for help.

-Ask the teachers, your parents and also friends.

-Make a schedule of your activities, so you will be more organized.

-Do your homewoks the same day that they are given or at least do a little part of every day.

Every day Detention:

-Calm down, and think before you act.

-Ask for advise ar help when having a problem.

-Try to avoid any problem with a rival person.

This is profetional advise, and it will truly hellp you if you give it a chance. Many people think this doesn't work , but to asure you we have interviewd many people, so watch and asure this is true.

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

Israel or Palestine?

Many people are thinking of the war happening in Palestine, but who are the bad guys, Israel or Palstine? people just bealive what the T.V says, but many only support Palestine, what do you think? Maybe some videos will open you eyes to see what's really happening, but Palestine isn't the only one doing bad things, the Tzahal (Isreily army) also has killed many inocent people that include children. Now the war is on pause, but you never know what will happen and when, but the big question is what will happen now that Barack Obbama is president of the U.S.A? Will he stop the war? Make it worse?. Hopefully he will stop the war and make peace.

Also we should see what problems this has made in all the world. People all around the world have made prostest and have done attacks to jews and their belongings. The most important event now is the attack done to the sinagog in Caracas ,Venezuela in witch 15 people went in and threw Torot to the floor, graffitied all the wals saying ''JEWS LEVE CARACAS'' ''MURDERES'', but the thing is that the stayed there for 5 hours, so what people thinks is that they stayed there and stole the information of the computers. This information had the addres, number and name of the Jews in Caracas, so Colombia and Panama will give them passports freely if they want to leave, but the Rabi says that they will not leave, they will stay and take the cost hoping nothing happens again.

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009


Most people of the world now the President of the south american country Venezuela Hugo Chavez, but people support him without even knowing the dumb things he does and says. Now after 10 years being president have made him become a very good friend of Fidel Castro wich gave him ideas such as reform the constitution so they can choose him as many times as the people want, and going to the objective of becoming a socialist country, but he has lost votes and followers because of the new attack done to the jewish sinagog. 15 people drew in every part of the sinagog frases like ''you killers leave'', ''it's your fault jews''. Also the things he says like the one that 7x8=52 jajajaja there is even a video in youtube.

viernes, 16 de enero de 2009


WELCOME! to OPINEWSTOYOU. Here you can express any way you want to about the world news. Give news, give opinions, debate and more here, just write. Israel or Palestine, Colombia or Venezuela, Obbama good or bad?, superheros or villans? anything you want to talk about just say it.