viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

School Problems...

People oftenly have problems in school that afect them at home, with there friends, and makes them think everything is upside down. You as parents should give them a hand and fix there problems, or at least try. School may cause many problems for kids, but it is one of the best times of anyones life, so they should enjoy it as much as posible and you can make this happen. Here are some tips for school...

If you have a bully you shoud:

-Tell a grownup imediatly, adults will always help.

-Try to avoid the person.

-Don't atack him back, that will just cause a war.

Having problems studying:

-Dedicate more time to study, and ask for help.

-Ask the teachers, your parents and also friends.

-Make a schedule of your activities, so you will be more organized.

-Do your homewoks the same day that they are given or at least do a little part of every day.

Every day Detention:

-Calm down, and think before you act.

-Ask for advise ar help when having a problem.

-Try to avoid any problem with a rival person.

This is profetional advise, and it will truly hellp you if you give it a chance. Many people think this doesn't work , but to asure you we have interviewd many people, so watch and asure this is true.

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